Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What to Grow

Jim Degranut, Valerie Barth and I met with Kim Gabel from the Monroe County Extension Service and some Master Gardeners from UM, to discuss what could be done to the common areas of Hammer Point. It seems like native grass and weeds are the only way to go. Hopefully once the rainy season starts some of these grasses will start to spread to the dug up areas. No final decision has been reached.
By the way, we have not had to pay for lawn service since the sewer work began. Once the grass starts growing we will restart the service.
If you have not paid your yearly dues yet please send $60.00 to Hammer Point Owners, Inc Assn., PO Box 90, Tavernier, FL 33070
As of today only 58% of our owners have paid their dues. Please take the time to write a check so that we can maintain the beauty and safety of Hammer Point.
None of our board members or our president get payed a penny, most of our dues goes to the maintenance of the common area and the cost of the street lights.
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Friday, April 8, 2011

Crime Watch

Crime Watch MEMBERS:  Please Be On The Lookout *****
We are experiencing quite a few suspicious vehicles and persons calls.
Yesterday we had reports of a suspicious vehicles:
Vehicle (1):Black Chevy, possibly an Impala or similar model,
occupied by (3) Black Males.
Yesterday from MM 106 all the way down to approximately the 70 MM numserous vehicles parked at bridges, beach areas, local attractions were targeted with windows smashed out and suspects grabbed what they could quickly and fled the area.
Vehicle (2):  Silver Jeep occupied by (2) hispanic males
We do not believe they are linked or related, however we would like to locate and identify if possible.
Already today we have had calls around the 104 mm of a Blue Chevy pickup in a neighborhood.
Also **just so you all are aware, I will be out of the office starting tonight until 04/25/2011.
Det. Sgt. Carey will be acting on my behalf while I am out.  You can reach him at 305-853-3211 or
Again, thank you all for keeping our neighborhoods safer and for all your assistance.
Lt. Alvarez    Blue Chevy pickup was collecting trash.  They were escourted out of the county back to Miami.